About Us
Shaikh Usaid-Bin-Hosain
Director’s Message
Since the inception of the civilization, the mankind is growing different kinds of vegetables, cereals and other agricultural products for their consumption and use of other peoples. With the growth of enormous population; with the growth of the advanced technologies in the sector of the agriculture to have more production; the farmers are diverted to use the chemical; chemical lace fertilizers; which in turn make their lives a hell in the medical sector with more diseases from time to time. Instead of consuming the best organic farm produce, the people are eating the chemical laden vegetables and cereals, which in turn make their body more resistance to the natural products and cure.
The general public are much more educated and knowledgeable.Further they choose to purchase the chemical/ fertilizer laden agricultural produces in the present scenario. Whether it be green vegetables or dairy products/ animal produces; they do not consider the future harm on their genetics. They build their immune system weaken day by day by consuming the chemical laced agriculture produces.
It will my sole responsibility to persuade public to use maximum amount of organic agricultural produces to make their body resist from various diseases from time to time. It will be my foremost duty to make them aware/ knowledgeable with the usage of organic produce in a bigger manner. I am committed to make an environment that all the farmers leave the chemical fertilizers and move towards the usage of organic fertilizers in the vicinity. The old days organic seeds will be flourished again with the advent of the organic culture to do the cultivation at large. With the usage of modern cultivation implements, we can growth very easily the organic seeds to get more produce. The cultural change is very necessary amongst the farmers.
Our Mission
The mission of M/s Balia Organics India Private Limited is to make available the most organic agricultural as well as dairy products for the consumption of the population in the city of Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Puri and other adjacent areas. The mission is to provide the utmost fresh agricultural produce (within the 24 hours of plucking/ harvesting) in the kitchen of the general public. The mission is to do the cultivation most primitive way without using the modern days chemicals, fertilizers, plant growth fundamentals at any point of time.
Our Vision
The vision of the M/s Balia Organics India Private Limited is to make cluster approach in the district of Jagatsinghpur and adjacent district to produce organic vegetables and horticulture items. The cluster approach is complete virgin to this sector and the local public are dependent only the paddy cultivation. Approach will be to gathering the prospective farmers, making them understood on the organic farming and value of soil. Make them aware on the chemical effects of the dangerous fertilizers in the soil. Making them aware on the best possible organic farming processes. Providing them maximum literature by which the local population will divert towards the organic farming and getting best price for their produces at all the time. It is also an important factor to provide them a common platform to sale their produce apart from the middle man bargaining procedure.
Shaikh Alli, H.
Project Manager